10 Mistakes That Can Sabotage Your Financial Health

Are you making any of these common money missteps? Here are 10 mistakes to avoid in order to keep your personal finances on track:

  1. Not Having a Budget
    Flying blind without a budget is a recipe for overspending and debt. Get clear on your income and expenses, create a realistic spending plan, and review it regularly to stay accountable.
  2. Skipping the Emergency Fund
    Life happens – and it’s expensive. Build up a cushion of 3-6 months’ worth of living costs so you’re not derailed by unexpected bills.
  3. Drowning in High-Interest Debt
    Those credit card balances aren’t just a nuisance, they’re a wealth destroyer. Make a game plan to pay off high-interest debt ASAP. Your future self will thank you.
  4. Ignoring Retirement Savings
    Time is your biggest ally when it comes to investing. Start funding your 401(k) and IRA now, even if it’s just a little bit each month. Your golden years depend on it.
  5. Lifestyle Creep
    A raise or windfall doesn’t mean you need a bigger house or fancier car. Keep lifestyle inflation in check and direct extra income towards savings goals instead of new toys.
  6. Playing It Too Safe
    Keeping all your cash under the mattress is a surefire way to lose money to inflation. Work with a financial advisor to build a diversified investment portfolio that will make your money work harder.
  7. Being Underinsured
    No one plans on getting sick, sued or having their home destroyed – but it happens. Having the right insurance in place protects your finances from catastrophe.
  8. Cosigning Loans
    Cosigning is kind, but it’s risky. Even if the borrower makes payments, that debt raises your credit utilization. Only cosign if you can afford the worst case scenario.
  9. Always Being Late
    Chronic late payments tank your credit score and trigger fees and penalty rates. Set up autopay and get organized to pay every bill on time. No exceptions!
  10. Avoiding Money Talks
    Couples who don’t get on the same page about money are headed for conflict. Schedule regular, judgment-free discussions to align on budget, goals and financial values.

The good news? Every single one of these mistakes can be fixed with a little knowledge and discipline. Sticking to healthy habits, being proactive, and making smart money moves today sets you up for a brighter financial future. You’ve got this!